State’s Protection

State’s Protection Following the Expiration of Eviction Moratorium

Seattle has offered safeguards to prevent mass homelessness by allowing extended durations.

An eviction letter is not effective immediately. You do not lose your residence the second a notice arrives. The credit goes to the city and state protections legislated before the Covid-19 pandemic. The financial crisis was the reason that led to this moratorium.

With this law in place, you still need to act instantly to avoid complications. Thanks to the state, you can avail of these rights even if you are behind on your rent payments. According to the Crosscut article, a judge evaluates the circumstances and passes the final decision for eviction. After receiving an eviction notice, you have to present yourself in court. Otherwise, the decision is made in favor of the landlord by law.

According to the City of Seattle’s Renting webpage, these are the protections offered by the state to prevent renters from eviction:

  • Renters get six extra months if they can verify their falling behind on rent payments due to their financial crisis. The last date is August 28.
  • Parents having children in school or parents working in a school cannot be evicted for nonpayment of rent during the school year. The end date is June 17.
  • Landlords must provide a legal reason for not renewing a rental agreement or evicting a tenant. In some cases, landlords must reimburse the tenant’s moving expenses. Landlords must also allow tenants to pay rent they owe over a period of six months.

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